Falling Apart

How long will I have to break
Before I've shattered all that I can,
I begin to wonder how much I can take
Before it matters that I'm missing pieces of who I am.

How long can I stand here taking punches
For things I don't believe were wrong,
Will it take much more before I come unhinged
Or have I been falling apart all along.

Must I continue to tape myself together
Whenever someone needs me to be their shield,
Maybe it would be even better
If I didn't give these cracks time to heal.

I wonder if my pain is apparent
I wonder if my wounds show on my face,
Is there any reason I should wear it
Or would a mask to better to hold me in place.

Should I take the blow of every dagger
Of every stick and stone throw my way,
Would i even trip or stagger
Or would I just crumble away.

This life has burned and beaten me
It's torn me down and sold me out,
Even so it's taken me far to long to see
That bending and breaking is what life is about.