In The Absence of Inspiration

In the absence of inspiration
We find solace in the night
Using memories of days long passed
To fuel the meaning in what we write

In the lack of the emotions we need
To piece together a work of art
We reach deep inside ourselves
Hoping for the creativity within our hearts

When we can’t find the meaning behind the words
We scrawl definition from page to page
With luck they will see past the struggle
To put feeling into what we say

When it comes time for light to fade to dark
We search for our muse in a sky full of stars
With the pen in our hand be scrawl the desire
To write for the world who we truly are

With unlimited time on our hands
We strive for perfection in hastily written notes
With wishes of better days to come
And creative spirit to write of this hope

In the absence of inspiration
We lived those days enveloped in the past
Telling ourselves we’ll finish this tomorrow
Because this lack of creative block will never last