Avenged Sevenfold

No one will understand my love for them
People say it's just a phase
That I will soon move on
But if they really knew how I felt about them
They would know that this love is real
And I will stick by their sides forever
Through think and think
Through all the changes
They make me feel accepted
They make me feel important and loved
I feel like I am a part of something bigger then myself
The family I belong to shares my love
My brothers and sisters feel my admiration for the same people
They feel the same pain I felt when we lost one of our heros
My heros may not know my name or my face
But they know that I love them
And that is all that matters to me
♠ ♠ ♠
Rest in Peace Jimmy Sullivan. You are my hero and my love. I will see you in the afterlife <3