2 Letters Away From a Lie

I wonder if you think me cruel,
for wanting to be loved again...
Such selfish feelings of so called love,
are merely the fire to a rose...
Desiring words are only poison to a fragile heart,
Forgive me for such imperfections,
I wish I could be better once more.
But what is shatter cannot be fixed,
forever am I to remain this way,
So torture me with a kiss,
as I am already wasting away...
How foolish was I to believe,
in such a satiable fairytale?
Apparently just enough to be deceived,
and a little more to be lost...
So take what is yours, and leave,
I wish not for this damned heart anyway.
For me, Love will always be two letters away from a Lie
For it has turned it's back on me, and now I to it.
How sad is to say that I have fallen to this curse I am blessed with?
Sad enough, the war is over, I am giving up.