
Ever feel like you're just invisible?
Like you could scream as loud as you want, but no one would notice?

Ever feel like you're trapped in a cage?
Like you're trying so hard, but you can't escape?

Ever stare at yourself in the mirror and feel like crying?
Like no matter what you do to yourself, you can never be beautiful?

Ever realize that you are afraid of yourself?
Like half of you is destroying itself and the other half is begging you to stop?

Ever feel like there's just something wrong with you?
Like you can't put your finger on it, but you know something isn't right?

Ever think long and hard about death?
Like how you will die and where you're going after?

Ever wonder how society got so screwed up?
Like how eight year old girls think their fat, and middle schoolers do drugs?

Ever wonder why people do what they do?
Like maybe they do it for attention... Or maybe something is going on inside them.