Remember Me

As a soldier lay behind a trench,
He thinks of his wife and children,
Wishing he could be home,
Wishing he could be with them.

He remembers the times,
They laughed and played.
He snuggled his children as they laughed,
and hugged his wife close.

Tears poured from his eyes,
As the thoughts of them faded,
Replaced with screaming,
Replaced with gun shots.

Dead soldiers lay around him,
Making his heart grow cold.
His partner lay beside him,
Staring into his eyes with unseeing ones.

He picked up his gun,
And aimed for his enemy’s head.
He counted to three,
Then pulled the trigger.

The man wrenched in pain,
But he had missed his head.
He pulled the trigger again,
This time the bullet going through his heart.

He felt cold after he had done it,
But he had to—for the freedom of others.
A loud shot rang out behind him,
And he suddenly felt incredible pain.

He had been shot.
Everything was going black.
He suddenly remembered his family,
And how he would never see them again…

♠ ♠ ♠
ok, I wrote this back on rememberance day for a class thingamobober, soooo it's not my best work. Also, check out the user "fbigred", she's awsome and my friend, and her rememberance story is "i heard another gun shot".... SO CHECK IT ouuTTTTTT :D
oh, and if your wondering, my teacher gave me a 4 for it (A), AWWW YAAA AHA xD