My Family isn't Perfect

I'll wear my All-Stars
You wear your heels
My daddy's behind bars
And your's was the peel

I'm no rich gal
You have the designer bags
You see me with my pals
And you have barbie fags

My momma's kinda crazy
And your's is the shit
Your's slaps a fifty
And mine throws a fit

My brother got in a fight
And your's got into Harvard
We try with all our might
To get to where you are

But I'm happy where we are
We may not be stars
But we are together
Aside the fights and bars

It's a roller coaster ride
We have our ups and downs
My family isn't perfect
But it's not dull and brown.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just comparing ones family to another. Rich and poor. Well, First class and middle class
This isn't my family, only part that is true about my family is "My momma's kinda crazy" and "I wear my all-stars"