
Everyone is talking a load of shit all the time
Everybody acts as if their god
Everyone is talking out of their arses all the time
And no one can admit it when they’re wrong

What kind of evolution is this
Going backwards in history
I wander what kind of monkey we will all end up being
Cause its a bunch of chimpanzees is all that I am seeing

Everyone is talking a load of bullpoo all the time
And everybody seems to think they’re god
Everyone annoying the bloody hell out of me
because no one can admit it when I am right and they are wrong

Tolerance is fading inside me
cause I cant see any reason to be
if everyone’s an idiot and they can’t see
maybe the only sane person here alive is me
I’m not shallow
but I’m so mad
the world is falling apart so fast
in the past I’m sure people tried to care
but now it’s just too much work
it seems pointless and were all so tired
being bombarded with useless shit all the time
and no wonder nobody can think,
at least i can't think so I slowly fall and sink.