
Things deeper than deep blue
And more untamed than anything
I have ever known before

With curls glimmering in the sun
Leaving all its treasures as its emotions rise
And fall again

Soon the tone turns bitter sweet
And rain comes to meet its birthplace
Where everything- everything began

Thunder rolls from past the horizon
And the galls, distancing themselves from the shore
Looking down and wondering
Why the little girl would not run as well

They call to ask a quiet question
The air rumbling- turning thick and jagged
Like the new black ice turned violent below

Sticking up in odd angles
Roaring and then falling once more
Crashing against the world alone

Drenched hair and cotton ripping behind
Taken with the wind claiming everything of her
Her concentration, imagination, desperation

The lightening lit her lips with a smile
Arms spread over the everything- everything
Still and violent

The sun still hasn't given in
Setting on schedule
Just like any other day

Spilling its colors over the dark and dirty clouds
Washing them, mixing, tainted now
And beautiful

She had never the pleasure to gaze
Multicolored lightening
Rainbows in the rain

How many storms has the sun witnessed before
Too many to be impressed any longer, to imagine
And to close spent eyes with wonder
How sad- not to stop and watch this
This, right here, is what life is about
Being breathless