
I'm standing on the edge,
Unable to carry on anymore.
My body feels numb,
My heart so cold.
Everything hurts,
But the pain won't leave.
My mind's ready to shut down,
My heart already has.
There is no more air to breathe;
I have no more breath left in my lungs.
The oxygen has stop being produced,
All the lives lived.
Dead bodies lay around me,
Empty and cold.
Their throats scratched and red,
From the hands desperate for air.
I stand in a colorless field,
Alone and unwanted.
A soft wind rustles my hair,
But I can't breathe it in--
I've lost the ability.
I fall on my knees,
Before millions of dead bodies surrounding me.
I look around for familiar faces,
But all are distant and unknown.
So I close my eyes,
And fall into darkness...
The one thing that's been waiting for me all along.

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Mmmm.... hope you like it ;p