Roses are Dead

Roses are dead, violets are too
I poisoned them all, the poison was you
I might hate you now, but I really loved you once
Our love had been years, my hatred but months
How can you say that?!, she is not me
You know I'm not blind, you know i can see
I see the way you look at her, it makes me feel sick
I tried to fight tears, they came too quick
Then you said you want her, I thought I would die
i still want you after everything you said, after every lie
You say i mean nothing, it was just a fling
How can i mean nothing, I feel your words sting
I looked in your eyes, they were not true
My anger was fierce; I shouldn't forgive you
Did I know you, or just your lies
Is it you or your lies, maybe it’s both I despise
You killed my roses, a poison; yes that’s what I said
Well guess what my love, the roses and violets aren’t the only thing dead
