Mirrors Reflection

She looked in the mirror and saw her reflection, the hideous mask that dawned her face. The horrific mask that she couldn't run away from. The mask that was forever hers. The mask that copied her every move.

She blinked, it blinked.

She breathed, it breathed.

She talked, it talked.

She looked in the mirror and saw her reflection, the hideous body to match. The body that had way too many sharp edges. The body that showed way too many love rolls. The body that copied her every move.

She walked, it walked.

She touched, it touched.

She ran, it followed.

He looked in the mirror and saw her reflection, the gorgeous face that he loved to see. The face that would make an angel weep. The face that he had fallen in love with. The face that showcased her inner beauty.

She blinked, he saw the northern lights.

She breathed, he smelt the perfume come from her skin.

She talked, he heard angels speak.

He looked in the mirror and saw her reflection, the perfect body to match. The body with curves in all the right places. The body that was petite and delicate. The body that he loved to hold.

She walked, he saw her grace.

She touched, he felt feathers touch his skin.

She ran, he saw her strength.

She looked in the mirror and saw her reflection... She was wouldn't have surgery today.