Help Me!

Help me!

I want help,

but it always seems like no one wants to.

People tell me they want to,

but they leave.

They never come back.

They tell me to relax,

but I don't calm I just keep getting madder.

My anger and hatred unleashes on people,

and I hurt them even though I try not to.

Help me!

I want to cry,

but my emotions always lie.

It feels like when I'm with family...I'm crowded.

They say they'll help me through anything.

What I don't understand is why didn't you help me,

when I needed you the most.

Help me!

I feel like I can't breathe,

like nothing is in my chest.

Like my heart is slowing.

Help me!

I feel tears in my eyes,

but they never can be released,

I want them gone,

gone until dawn,

but they NEVER come down.