"Return Of Happiness"

Sometimes I catch myself smiling.
I cant help myself.
The happiness you make me feel.
Its been so long since I have known that feeling.
When I talk to you its like my insecurities fly away.
You tell me how great of a person I am.
And how anyone would be lucky to have me.
You make me laugh.
I have a genuine smile on my face whenever you’re around.
You make me feel like finally something’s going right.
When you hug me I never want you to let go.
When you laugh I smile.
I wouldn’t change you, not even if I got the chance.
Your so different from what I original thought.
Sometimes I catch myself smiling.
I can’t help myself.
You make me feel a happiness.
That I thought has long since left me.
All of this is because of you.
Its because of you that I have hope again.
Hope that this happiness will continue.
You have shown me a part of myself that I thought would never return.
You saved me.
Sometimes I hope you will catch me smiling.
And you will ask why.
I will answer, because of you.