Silent Tears

She sits on the park bench staring at space
With silent tears running down her face
Her father has hit her once again
She has no one to talk to, not a single friend
She watches the little kids play on the swing
Hears them laugh, babble mindlessly
She longs for the days, when she didn't have to think
About the world, her problems continue on endlessly
Her life was a big cartoon
She wished it hadn't ended so soon
Silent tears, cried on the park bench
When her father started drinking
Her mother shut up, stopped thinking
Never explained her cuts and bruises
The girl on the bench is an artist
Pain and suffering are her muses
She is a young teen
She doesn't know what family is supposed to mean
But she feels her life go down the drain
Silently, warm tears fall, it's acid rain
They blur her eyes, she can't see
She looks up and I realize,
The young girl on the bench, is me