Sugar and Spice

I'm sugar and spice
And everything nice
With a touch of bruises
And a pinch crazy
I'm one girl you will never want to forget
Because of all the daises
I draw on my keyboard legs
With my choppy 80s hair
I run my world
With hopes and despair
My robots are in tip top shape
I'm at the peak, slightly
Help me climb down the mountain?
Only if you can catch up
Try shooting sunshine into your veins
It won't help
Because I'm the sun this time
I'm letting you stay in for today
We all need a break
I wish for one everyday
Run from family
From friends
From responsibilities
They all just never end!
Why do some of you want to push me?
I've got enough to deal with
I'm a teenager
Honor student?
A job?
One or more siblings?
Aggressive parenting?
Unclear answers of who the hell I am?
Check Check Check Check Check...
Oh, I'm the sun
I forgot
I have a lot on my mind all the time
Everyday the clouds will block me
But I still have to shine just in case
They actually go away
I have to warm smiles on people's faces
Help grow little plants
Tan the leather skinned
Burn the fair skinned
Grant warmth whenever I can
It gets tiring after awhile