Faerie Escape

Pale white skin and purple wings
Eyes of blue and green
These are very few of the things
I want to see

Thoughts intertwined
Flying above me
These are the fine
things I want to see

I want to feel thier hearts beating
Fast and loud
I want to see them meeting
Under the night's clouds

These things of beauty, things of love
Dancing, flying, in the skies above
Making me forget all my sorrows
At least until tomorrow

Maybe they'll take me
To thier hiding place
Maybe they'll give me
a way like thiers to embrace

Maybe I'll abandon this coldhearted world
To live with Fey women
Fey boys, Fey girls

Maybe they'll lead me down to the lake
In the waters so cool
There I'll be made

Into a Faerie, with wings of fire
To fulfill my every want
My every desire

But alas they will not steal me
I'm not that pure
not anymore