My Last Breath of December, The One Last Thing of Me You'll Remember

I can't feel my heart beat,
As you watch me turn to concrete.
No expression on your face,
You know you can't win the race.
Everything hurts,
Everything aches,
While you watch me your heart breaks.
I can't stand to see you sad,
To give up what you once had.
No one notices,
No one cares,
What you had,
And what you need.
All these deeds you've done for me,
Now nothing more than sweet memories.
You go back and remember when,
We sat in the December sun.
Hot and cold all at once,
Hugging me so very close.
Our hearts beat in perfect rhythm,
Hidden by this repetition.
Nothing more than just a crush,
But now it's turned to love and lust.
And as a scream escapes my lips,
Your mind stops and sees all the risks.
As it rises to my neck,
You take in this haunting wreck.
All these memories we have had,
This one breath shall be my last.

♠ ♠ ♠
just a poem I made on the way to SCHOOLLLL. and they were SUPPOSED TO BE CANCELLED, DARNIT!!!! well, whatever..... OKKK, enjoy :D and feel free to comment; they make my day and YOU GUYS MAKE IT SHINEEE :) *******