My life in a poem?

hmm.... well my life? its been so horrible!!! lol lets see im trying to make this short... so ill tell you the basics behind it and ive hated my life till like 10th grade (last year) in a short story (btw i tried to make a story and i went dumb so i am using poems...)

Hello, for those of you just randomly reading my Poem that is actually a story I'm Nick :P
well where should i start..... I guess I will start from being a lil kiddie lol... Back in my School at Happy valley, which was never happy, I... Was the "Fat Kid" that was picked on lol i was a chubby monkey... I hated life i barely ate too becase my dad never helped us out so.... me my mother and my sister were home all the time while he spent money on himself and ate out all the time while my mom Stephanie (my sis) and I sat at home starving to death... Literally... and i have no idea why i was fat unless my body just stored all the food it could to keep me alive.... during all the crap that the rest of us put up with my dad i had much bigger problems.... if ya ever want to know what its like to die Ask me... I have been there and back 4 times.... mostly Deadly viruses like Scarlet Fever and MRSA... wooo! <_< the other times Is when i had a gaping wound on my right leg from the middle of my leg like halfway below my Knee to my Ankle, I bled to death and was resurrected. Thankfully my mom can drive and avoid cars going 97 M.P.H. and number 4 was great lol... Number 4 was when I was in a Car wreck... The collision was with the rear end of a Big Rig! sounds fun Am I right?! well... The seat belt I had on me at the time was a good one ya know very sturdy and held me up tight like all seat belts should... well the force of the collision had my body goin like IDK 57 or so into a sudden halt and stopped my heard luckily i only broke 1 rib tho so while i was still out i had my heart restarted by the driver who was my babysitter at the time... lol horrible driver... but for the next month I had this big black strip across my chest, it was a niceeee bruise :/.... now or the horrible love stories lol. Every girl I have been with Except my lovely lil Heather has cheated on me broke my heart and basically stabbed me in the back..... just think how i felt Cheated on by the girls you think you love and feeling like your not worth anything for 6-7 years... but other than than enough of my sad lil life story ADD MEH! :P... P.S. Music is the only thing that calms me down or brings my body to peace...
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you don't have to like it i just felt like writing about this...