Darkened Dream

I need to get some sleep my head is wondering.
I lay down quietly pondering.
What to do with my life.
It's a sad sight to live in a world were we protect
ourselves with little but a gun and knife.

Seeing the way things could have been.
Then and there, How and when.
Possibilities consume me .
As I;m holding the held with glass
blinds thee.

Coughing up those sweet lies.
Shielded by those silent cross heirs in my eyes.
Bored inside this hallowed class.
Waiting for whispered time to pass.

Whose eyes are those that stare at you?
Do you have the slightest clue?
Do I even have the right to dream?
It is darker than it all may seem.

When reality falls into time.
You will sing along with my rhymes.
Snuggled into covers placed.
Common misery we must face.

Common laces around my wrest,
Can not replace those who I miss.
But Silent darkness to dream.
Forever older, darker than they might seem.