In My Heart Forever...

In my heart forever,
And always may it seem,
Is the one man that brings me hope,
Through all these troubled dreams.

Through all these trials and tribulations,
You have been there for me,
To wave your hand and gesture silent,
When nobody else can see.

You made me see the beauty
And wonder all around,
You opened my eyes to greater things,
Yet you still acted like the clown.

Your acquired taste and unusual style,
Made me realise,
It's good to be a loner, but no matter how hard you tried,
You always seemed to made the make the quietest person come alive.

If you no longer wish to be here,
Your heart leaving this core,
Realise the fact that we know so well,
How you always dared to soar.

Dreams that never made it past our ever changing door,
Hopes that didn't really last to consume our life once more.
Smiles that never faded and love that never died,
For friends and family all across this dark and dreary isle.

In my heart forever,
And always evermore,
Is the one man and one man only,
Who has left this grieving shore...