I Give Up .

To the one I once called dear ,
You were my friend , my love
You held my heart in your hands ,
Only to throw it away with disgust .

To the one I once called my sweetheart ,
I loved you with all my heart ,
I would've followed you wherever you led me .
You said you loved me too ;
Without me you'd be lost .

To the one I once held close ,
I let you into my life ,
I shared my secrets with you alone .
Was I mistaken that you cared ?

To the one I once followed ,
I did everything you asked of me ,
But that wasn't enough for you .
It wasn't enough to make you stay .

To the one I once adored ,
No matter how much time goes by ,
The pain you caused still remains .

To the one I once thought I loved ,
I just have one thing to say to you ,
As my head reminds me of the misery ,
Goodbye Forever ,
I'm done trying to forgive you .