
"my house is in the middle of the gutter
right on the outskirts of social clutter.
nickel and dimeing,just for a lil bread and butter
a place where people speak so fast, you wish they would studder
a place with a permanent black cloud that hovers
seemingly,just over one area,like it's only my block it covers
alot of scuffles and screaming but no one is heard
people just drive past as if were not even seen
yet it us the people,boisterously silent,how absurd?
people in need of help,that is left,barely being
people who choose to be reluctant with there words
no, we have our reasons
to some point theres no point,
me, they'll try to say i'm committing treason
and i can't change shit if i'm not breathing
i hold myself with nothing but good intentions
most wouldn't know cause they're never mentioned
things held inside,soul strengthening
thoughts in knots,mental tension
with nowhere to go, there's no venting
seemingly, theres no end to this stressing
as if this stress is never ending
if that's false,then when will the vice of life begin relenting
it's getting real rough to go on
sometimes i actually wonder why i'm still here and not gone
that's because i kept saying it wouldn't be too long
so here i am,years after i decided to keep moving along
On the same road,so don't understand where i went wrong
so perhaps i should alter the destination
now in the middle of nowhere,mentally
body's now pacing,minds racing
stuck now cause of certain situations
and problems i'm facing
now it's time to act with the least amount of hesitation"

"It's time to act
But I feel soldiers is what we lack
Too many people tend to ignore all the facts
That every single day, our minds are being attacked
But there are some, a very small few
who share the same outlook, have the same views
Like you did yourself, and as I presently do
And since you left, I gave up for myself, I'm only fighting for you
To make the world a better place, for everyone
To make the world shine brighter, than the sun
To journey away from selling drugs and shooting guns
to make funds, and especially if seen as fun
Because once your gone, you aint never coming back
So easy to lose life, It can slip right through the cracks
And when you care for multiple people, it gets hard to keep track
On your own life let alone the rest of your pack
Cause we are but animals, we stick together without reason
It's just instinct, and whatever our mind chooses to believe in
Even if none of us can fathom the true meaning
The stupidest thing I ever heard was, that you can't change shit if your not breathing
Because you changed me, before and after you were dead
Every letter built myself, from every word that you said
And with you gone a figure of you still guides me in my head
To make this world one to live in, and to prevent tears and bloodshed
This is what I lay my hope in
Waiting for greatness to happen so I keep my eyes open
I want so much to happen, but I feel I need to much to make it so
I want us to use our knowledge to get smarter, but I feel there is so much we don't know
I want us to live free, but I feel as if there is so much that we owe
I want us to get larger than life, but I feel that we do not grow
I want to go from mobile homes, to mobile phones
Rise above the filth, and step across the stepping stones
That we built together, when we come together like bones
For the world is but one man, and we are all the chromosomes"