
All alone
And torn- berated
By the hands of you

By the hands of you
Worn down, worse, lost
And nothing else to save of me
All the sins- forgot'

All the life I've lived thus far
And all that could have been
Everything is gone by now
Ashes in the wind

Burned and left alone to die
Turn to smoke and evaporate
Hands around my throat again
I suffocate

Tears form and do not spill
Words on my lips and there they stay
Nothing in this world contains me
Or proves that I'm a fake

You have made me a ghost again
And damned me to forever roam
Haunting those who pass my whisper
Just so I'm not alone

And someday soon- You'll hear my screaming
And turn to see no ones there
You will be forgotten, darling
And you'll find that no one cares

Your memory destroyed, like mine
And your heart- berated
The nothingness will kill you, darling
You'll be liberated