But time is on your side.

"What will you be?"

Tick-tock, tick-tock
"Worry not, for there is much time."


"I do not worry, I will know when the time is right."


"Serving the living or the dead?
The mad or the sane?
The broken or the proud?
The needed or the needy?

Or do you wish to learn?
Do you wish to challenge?
Do you want the answers or the questions?
The 'what ifs' or the 'oh wells'?
What is there; present, solid, real?
What might not exist; the unknown, the quiet?

Will you follow the heart or the mind?
Will you mend the physically damaged or the mentally fragile?
Will you please your own kind or save those who we abuse, misuse?

Will you protect your young ones?
Will you nurture and love or will you leave in the early hours to a place that drains you of curiosity, desire, life?"

Tick-tock, tick-tock

"Will you live or will you simply be?"

Tick-tock, tick-tock
♠ ♠ ♠
First attempt at a poem after a year-long hiatus. Basically about pressures most of us have to face at some point in our life.