I Should Never Had Lived

Every night I sleep
Under the cold, night sky.
On the freezing streets,
Starving with a throat dry.

Rain poured upon me;
I got wet.
Later on,
I was freezing to death.

I shivered and barely blinked an eye.
Cause’ once I did,
Death will start crawling in me.
Death will destroy my infinity.

The night passed on;
I was still freezing.
I was feeling very sick,
This was truly not amusing.

Dawn awakes;
The sun rises,
Greeting me with warmth,
Life, and many loathsome faces.

They stare at me with disgust,
They kicked dirt in my eyes,
Threw stones on my head
Like I was some bird ---- dead.

I growled to them
Letting them run away;
I stood up
And walked astray.

I reached a well
Full of coins and wishes,
And saw some other kids
Make water splashes.

But, I, myself
Have only one wish I dreamed;
A wish I forever deemed,
The wish, “I should never had lived.”
♠ ♠ ♠
© holihua29

We always think nothing about everything... We have the money to do stuff, but did we ever think about what they feel? They are more hurt than us. The reason of why they steal is because they have no choice because they want to live. Understanding them more, you would see how much struggles they have faced. So stop this nonsense right now, and OPEN YOUR EYES!!!