never to close

I’d never imagine that someone like you would come to my life
Trying to enter my sad and lonely life
Giving me the reason to rise each day and making me believe that life is wonderful
Teaching me to be happy and appreciate the things around me
Erasing the sadness in my life
Entering my private lonely life
Now you’re here breaking into my heart like a thief in the night
You’re the only one who’d get so closed to me
The only one that have known me for who I am, not for who I am not
My secrets fade, when it comes to you
All my deeds were appreciated by you
As days were passing
I’m regaining this kind of feeling that I’ve buried last weekend
Don’t get to close to me please,
For it would be my happiest
Go have your limit in entering my life
I don’t want to miss you when you were gone, as others have done to me
Making me believe that they would be mine
Treating me as theirs and giving them what is mine
But as days had passed, these people have left me
As I have done something, concerning not about them
And when their all gone I was left behind, broken and sad
I lived in the sad city of lonely life,
Found myself in the street of broken feelings,
As days have passed I’ve learned to behave
To know my limits and control my feelings and now you’re here
Knocking in my heart
Trying to give meaning in my life
Filling the empty holes in my heart
Here in the corner of promises unkept
Never give me a reason to smile
Never give me these sudden feeling again
Never make me feel the same