You Were'nt There

Watching the clocks tick slow.
Time passes by,
and still not near the end of the day.
I stare at an object,
And think its you.
How you'd make me laugh and smile.
You'd make my day lighten up.
Just a little look at you,
And you mad me happy.
When I was sad,
You made me better.

But yesterday,
I waited for you.
Thinking that you'd come for me,
But you didn't.
Where were you?
did you leave me?
Did you forget about me?
Where were you?

As I sit on my couch,
Looking through the window,
Thinking that you would come to me.
I watch and wait.
I look through the window every second.
Every squirrel that passes by,
Everyone and everything,
That passes by side,
My heart beats faster,
Thinking that it was you.
As I look through,
It was just a leaf or a squirrel.
And my hopes die down.
And my heart breaks again.

Thinking that something or someone.
May have hurt you.
And maybe,
Just maybe.
You might have left me,
Without saying a word to me.
As now as I look through the classroom
I still wonder,
Is this the last time I'll be with you?
Or am I going to be with the man
of my dreams from last year?