Two Summers Ago

Two summers ago,
I stole your heart.
I did not feel the same,
And that tore you apart.

You were broken inside,
You would not speak.
Hollow as a ghost,
Your spirit fell weak.

One summer ago,
I became struck by you.
Your laugh, your smile;
Everything you do.

You stole my heart.
You did not feel the same,
And that tore me apart.

I was stripped of dignity,
I was torn of pride.
I was too tired to cry,
I was too tired to try.

Your perfect complexion
Tends to haunt me in my dreams.
Your devious smile
Is what causes the tears to stream.

Two summers ago,
I was a complete ass.
I’ve spent all my days,
Waiting for the storm to pass.
Eternally frozen will remain
My heart of glass.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comment, thanks. I can't seem to write as good as I used to; I tried!