Pain Within

I could tell you how i feel but i won't.
They say a picture is worth one thousand words,
But not even one thousand words could describe me.
My body is only a cage that locks me in.
Slowly leaking out, my feeling within.
As they get free i pull them back.
Many things to say with only time that i lack.
Soon People will listen, soon people will understand,
The me they see is only a shell,
The me i am is hiding my true self.
But the me i am will not tell. The me i am will have them figure that out.
♠ ♠ ♠
WROTE A LONG TIME AGO! i feel its not that good but felt like putting it up since i almost never post. hope you like it. Personal note: i don't feel like this much anymore. i learned to say SUCK IT! THIS IS ME SO LIVE WITH IT! haha