Memories Of You

Memories are waiting for me
every time I close my eyes,
more and more keep coming.
otherwise they control me from the inside,
realization that I'm frozen in fear,
intellectual little monsters.
every time I close my eyes, I
see them waiting for me.

overdoses of you plaguing my system,
free of being free.

you were my knight in shining armor,
only sent to save me, set me free;
underneath the surface, you lied.

always on the run,
running from myself.

he was supposed to save me,
always supposed to be there.
underestimated his strength and will -
never expected him to be like this;
torturing memories, torturing longing.
it plagues me from the inside.
never letting me out of its grasp, for I am a

my heart has disappeared. i am
♠ ♠ ♠
Random jumble of words ~ I like it<3