Love Kills Softly.

Although ignorance is bliss, being ignored is pure hell.
The hurt, anger, and confusion makes it hard not to scream.
One day, he loves you. The next, he's too busy.
It's hard to comprehend, why must you have to fight for his attention?
He said his heart was yours, but apparently that doesn't earn you a few moments of his time.
You can feel your heart breaking slowly, you miss him so much!
Then, he finally calls.
You forget all the hurt and anxiety at the sound of his voice.
With every minute and each word spoke, you can tell that he loves you.
You fall asleep easily, couldn't be happier..
Then the morning hits, you send him a text.
"Good morning babe<3 How'd you sleep?"
Hours pass, you're beginning to grow impatient.
Surely he's awake by now.
Thoughts scatter across your mind.
Maybe he never got your message?
Maybe he's sick?
What if his phone broke, or got taken away?
Or, what if he's... Ignoring you?
Once that thought enters your mind, it's too late.
You're back to where it started, waiting for his text to come.
Keep it up girlie, you're bound to go insane.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a random rambling poem I wrote last night about him.. I wonder if he'll call tonight?