Broken Heart

You broke my heart.
Simple as that.
I try to explain that you meant so much to me,
I guess I didn’t matter to you,
You must’ve not cared for me.
You say you do.
Except you don’t.
If you cared,
You wouldn’t have hurt me.
You wouldn’t have had ‘changed feelings’,
You fell out of love with me because,
My walls were coming up.
I was scared.
Not of you,
But what the real world was coming to.
I was terrified to see everything happen.
You were my safe bound.
You were my one and only thing that kept me safe,
When you were away from me,
I was scared.
Abuse started happening,
I started living,
I noticed these changes,
I locked myself away in fear.
The walls came back up.
You didn’t like that.
So, you hurt me.
You took a knife out,
Sharpened it,
Then stabbed it into my heart.
You liked the tears that ran down my cheeks,
The heaving sobs I gave out,
You liked the pain that I showed you,
You like seeing me in pain.
I thought you were the one,
You weren’t.
You made me feel special.
You were my first true love.
I laid my heart out on silver platter for you,
Served it to you,
I guess it wasn’t enough for you.
It wasn’t pure enough.
I’m sorry, Jake.
I’m sorry that I tried my hardest.
I’m sorry I wasn’t perfect.
I’m sorry I lie.
I’m sorry I hide.
I’m sorry for ‘toying’ with you.
I’m sorry that I had to hide in the dark.
I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you the truth about my life.
I told you to forget me.
I didn’t realize it would be that easy for you.
I saw you today.
It’s my birthday.
Does it matter to you?
You were laughing,
With your friends,
I hid my bruised face behind my hair,
So you wouldn’t see,
The pain you caused me.
I’m sure I didn’t mean much to you.
You don’t truly care for me.
If you did you would’ve noticed;
That I’m having trouble living.
When you decide that you remember me.
When you want to have someone to talk to.
When you want someone to lean on from pain,
Don’t come to me,
Because you shoved me away,
Just to let you know,
I will always love you.
I will always have a place in my heart for you.
I always will…
♠ ♠ ♠
True... Yet again...