I thought I knew

Ever so long ago
I thought I knew

I thought I knew
How the world went round
Why the sun was so bright
And the moon so dark

I thought I knew
Who I was
Who I am
Who I will be

Then I remembered the world
Its struggle
Its pain
Then I remembered the word


The one word so many of us have forgotten
And the lucky never knew

Now its all I think about
What if I lose?
What if I fall?
What if I fail?

What if who I thought I was
Isn’t me at all
The voice at the back of my head
Whispering in my ear

Standing at a crossroads
I no longer know
And now I wish
It were a very long time ago

When I thought I knew
Everything there was to know
And then some.
♠ ♠ ♠
A Poem to express my frustration over what to do about college.