Everyday I Remember That...

One of these days,
Your going to miss me.
Sometime this year,
You're going to cry.
I can't believe we let it come between us.
I can't believe we let our close friendship die...

Your mom came between us.
Your goddamn boyfriend caused it, too.
They started to freak out,
When all I wanted was to warn you.

Harsh words that we said,
Said on such sunny days.
It was a stupid game.
We were chosen to play.

So I guess I learned my lesson.
I guess I played my part.
Out of all the friends that have gone this way,
You still have a place in my heart.

And next time, I'll be more careful.
I'll give the next friend time.
But I have one question, one wish...
Will our dead relationship come back to life?

I know I'm going to miss you..
I know I already cried...
Such awful things happened...
God knows I tried...

And still,

One of these days,
You're going to miss me.
Sometime this year,
You're going to cry.
It took a week to finally realize,
That even the greatest things eventually die...

- Dedicated to The Best Friend I Ever Had. I shouldn't have let this happen, and I miss you everyday! I think about you everyday, but no one understands what happened and how I feel so bad! I just hope you don't do something stupid with your greasy little fugly boyfriend. Out of all of the guys that are in love with you... Did you really have to go out with the one that lays guilt trips and pressures you into doing things that you don't want to do? And after I told you to talk to Sunshine so you could still be friends, Did You Ever Once Think About Talking To Me? I just wanted to warn you about how bad your mom and boyfriend are going to mess up your life... I just wanted to warn you...And now its the worst is going to happen with out me there to help you through it. You don't even get to read this, but that's not my fault. It's because you ruined the best thing that ever happened to me. I lost someone when I became friends with you! Now, they don't even treat me like a good person. I'm just a girl that they used to have feelings for. I hope you're happy with Chris and your mom. I hope they don't destroy what little you have left.
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So Yeah! This is what's going on inside my head. This is one of the few things I have to think about during the day. Can you see why I can't tell anyone?