Screams for help

I scream and yell as you do it again
You can't tell how i yell
that i want you to stop to never more
do this anymore.
To me you see i love you.
not in your creepy way but in that sorta cousinly way
Yes you are my cousin.
But all the same you curse my name
You made me cutt bleed liek never before.
You raped and beat me onto the floor.
I screamed and yelled and wished for no more
But you kept it always saying "ill beat you up if you ever tell"
So i scream and yell and crawl for help.
But all you ever do it keep me so i can't
5 months of this ongoing pain was to much to bear,
so one day i did i screamed and yelled and called for help
you yelped at this said not to but oh how i did it anywyas
That day my life changed
you were gone forever
No more screams and yelps for help as you rape dme hated me
but all the same is it to crazy that i still love you like a cousin
one i care about so much.
Oh i really don't know
What i think does not matter.
those cries for help the screams and yelps
are all ym parents see
So no longer shall we be with each other again.
alone by ourselves
The yelps for help are done now that the rape has ended
now that we never see each other'
No more is our bond.