Ode to Castle

Your entertaining, captivating
Quirky words are scintillating
Your sense of humour leaves me wanting
More because of all your flaunting
Your ruggedly handsome good looks
And your numerous best-selling books
Have made me an unwavering, ardent fan
Of you, the proficient, dexterous, experienced Writer-Man
You're still nine years old at heart, that's true
Pumped up on sugar and Kate Beckett, too

I don't know why I adore you so
Could it be I'm waiting for the amourous feelings to grow?
Everyone knows you're madly in love with the girl
Well, except for her, but that's how the world tends to twirl
By the way, she's in love with you, too
How else could anyone put up with you
Writing a book on her, a female detective of the NYPD
Just to establish another fun fact, you make both her and I extremely happy
So please don't ever terminate your run on the air
Because, Rick Castle, you truly are wonderfully rare