Dark Night...

I'm lost in the wind...
With nothing to see..
No clouds,
no stars..
No destiny...

Lost in my thoughts,
of a dark place..
With nothing but flames.

Dark magic holds my soul,
I'm nothing but a deep dark whole.
No soul.
Just darkness deep within.
A shattered soul shines within...

Flames, flames,
all around.
And yet I hear no sound...
No screams,
no shouts,
nothing but a deep dark cloud...

A lost soul in the night,
only looking for the light...
Her head down low,
in doubt,
in pain,
till the rain comes to wash it all away..

The sun shines,
when she's in his arms.
He holds her tight,
as she prays he wont let go!
She whispers,
"Stay here, stay here. Be my love!"

He holds her tight,
and sings to her a lullaby.
He'll never leave.
He's the star way up above in the sky.
Till they die.

The darkest of nights can bring you great advise.
Listen close to the wind,
that I am lost within.
I hear him whisper in my ear,
the lullaby he sings.
Until the sun rises,
until I can see within...
That I truly love him... <3
♠ ♠ ♠
Done hope you like it! :)