Welcome Committe

welcome to the psych ward


we're all inside the funny farm

and Life is just hilariously cruel

a tiny drop of blood spilled

and it makes us like

mental patient escapees

a black cloud above us and

depression in it's solidity

cold eyes staring you down, only manipulative

it's the 'doctors' in charge showing

their professionalism

we sing our songs and hyms to

ebb away the angry thoughts

we're all inside an asylum

and we're no posers that are institutionalized

pain we all sing in lullabies

and these lullabies seal our fate

but don't take my word for

it as if you have a

choice walk into our gilded gates and our "caretakers"

adorned with gnarled smiles and angry eyes

can open their strong arms to

help share their matching jackets

pure white so as to not

frighten or excite you

I'm one of you

don't be frightened

We're All Mad Here
♠ ♠ ♠
Ignoring capitalization and punctuation are my calling , foo'.