I miss you Grandma.

I love you Grandma and always will,
But you didnt have to leave,
Without saying goodbye.

If only you could see me now.
Growing up,
Taking on more responsibilities.

Back then,
I didn't know who I was,
Or what I was doing here.

I got angry,
And took it out on you,
When I really didn't want to.

I'm sorry for all the times,
I yelled,
And left.

I'm sorry for not staying,
When you needed me most.
I couldn't see you like that.

I couldn't see you dying.
I couldn't stay and know,
Something was wrong.

You were a strong person,
But cancer won the fight,
And it was all my fault.

If I was there more,
You would've been stronger,
And fought it off.

But it's too late,
I can't rewind time.
I love and miss you Grandma.

I'll always will.
Here is my goodbye.
But I wish I didn't have to say it like this.

I wish I could say a whole lot more,
But I can barely write this much,
Without balling my eyes out.

I hope you understand,
That you'll never leave my heart.
R.I.P. Grandma.