Prince of the Dead

December 9th, the clock strikes midnight
She hurries across the twilit town
Has anyone important discovered her flight?
She encounters some stairs and scurries down

‘Joshua! Oh, Joshua!’ she calls once at the creek
‘I’m here my love! Quick, flee! Our fathers do give chase!’
And so they ran to Gelderland while they, their fathers did seek
They ran to an inn, a hole in the wall, with scarcely enough space

Soon they had riches enough thanks to his skill with a sword
They bought their own inn, settled down, had a kid
They thought the worst had passed, but then gave room and board
To two kind old gentlemen, one of whom looked akin to their son, Sid

Alas, a happy ending wasn’t meant to be, the two gents: their fathers from old
They murdered the lovers and beside them crowned poor young Sid the Prince of the Cold