Cruel Indifference

What is bullying but the absence of conscious guilt for humiliating, harassing, belittling, and in all other ways being prejudice of other people. In simple terms, if you said something out of intent to inflict pain or hurt, you yourself are a bully.
Then again what do you call it when someone stands up against the bullying by giving back as good as they get? Not many of us are really that good at 'Turning the other Cheek' eh?

Cruel Indifference ::~
by SheaRyhai © 2011

Pushed into a corner like a frightened little child.
Their lips are dripping violence of lies they've complied.
How can I get around them? How is there no escape?
The Nightmare that I'm facing leaves me helpless on their plate.

Rib away my Existence..
No hope for Deliverance..
Beaten down by their Persistence..
Victim of Cruel Indifference..

It's raining crushing blows as I curl into a ball.
Their lips are forming laughter as they wonder down the hall.
What can I do to stop them? Wish I could disappear.
My wounds turn numb as I bath them in my tears.

Rib away my Existence..
No hope for Deliverance..
Beaten down by their Persistence..
Victim of Cruel Indifference..

My joins are stiff and shaking, I hobble with each step.
Pitiful crippled fly that has fallen in their web.
The more resistance offered draws attention back to me.
I've tried to cut their threads but still can not break free.

Rib away my Existence..
No hope for Deliverance..
Beaten down by their Persistence..
Victim of Cruel Indifference..

You want to put an end to bullying, make sure you take a good look at yourself first. Can't push change on others if the problem still exists in yourself. ~RIP. Quizilla Wars
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