White Noise Brainstorming

Things that I WILL use:

- Born deaf
- Blinded himself
- Mute by choice
- Crippled in some way that causes pain
- This cripple was self-inflicted
- Has raspy breathing

Bullet-Point Personality (needs refinement)

- He likes to sulk in shadows, preferring to not be seen
- Heat scares him; he associates it with exposure, and exposure is the only thing that truly terrifies him
- If he could see, he would love the dancing, never-the-same-ness that is flames. But he's blind, so he doesn't
- Has no sense of self-worth whatsoever; hates his own guts. The only reason he hasn't committed suicide is so that he can suffer some more
- His thoughts aren't really rational, but focus around the idea that he is worth nothing. N-O-T-H-I-N-G
- Touch being his main sense, his pain threshold is very low, but his pain tolerance is very high. Indeed, he is constantly striving for more inventive ways to hurt himself, just to see how high he can go
- There is a bit of him that is still sane. He calls it Kazar. Kazar is cold and hard, logical and rational. Kazar always knows what to do. Kazar also hates White Noise much more than White Noise ever could. When White Noise is confused, which is most of the time, he turns to Kazar, who drives him towards even more pain. It is Kazar that keeps him alive and non-suicidal; what's the point of killing yourself when you can suffer so much more alive? Kazar isn't really a split personality, but an extension of White Noise's self-hate
- There is absolutely no way you can threaten him. He wants you to carry on with the threats; indeed, Kazar is smart enough to force you to hurt White Noise. (Point: Kazar is never hurt. Kazar tells White Noise how to hurt himself, but Kazar is never hurt.)
- Very sadistic, but as he can't sense other people's pain he has to hurt himself - it's a need for him, in the same way that social interaction is for ordinary people
- He interacts with others by trying to get them to hurt him

Backstory Brainstorming (none of this is definite)

- Theme song for his history: One Of Us from the Lion King II (AKA Deception, Disgrace) lyrics
- Learnt speech from copying others' mouth movements, but never really got the hang of it
- Slave/gladiator/pit-pet (MUST be willing)
- Too self-confident - showing off
- Self-hate
- Unable to commit suicide, so mutilated himself instead (this before Kazar was born)
- Too much exposure - zoo or celebrity
- Child star - S Club 8 idea
- Used someone he loved, and grew to hate himself when his conscious came knocking (see Diamond Tears, below)
- Tore his eyes out because Kazar said he didn't deserve to see the beauty in the world
- Solider? Destroyed life/beauty? Dropped bombs?

Extra Stuff

- Definitely male
- I'm torn between making him a lion and making him a human
- For the cripple, it'll probably be a leg, crippled with fire
- The history will be very long, as it takes a long chain of events for somebody to become this mucked up
- he core concepts for this character are self-hate and self-inflicted pain. Everything that happens to him, good or bad, will be his fault and no one else's

Diamond Tears

Diamonds are a girl's best friend
Tears are a man's best friend

Your tears are diamonds to me
Every one a lever to your heart
They show up your weaknesses
And give me control
And I'm smiling as I comfort you.

You trick yourself and make-believe
That everything's all right

Deep inside,
I know you know,
The lies I'm feeding you.
I know you know
My treachery
And how my only care
Is for what I can use you for.
But you want me to be true
More than just the front
I know you know I am

I trick myself and make-believe
That everything's all right

Deep inside,
You know I know,
That it's not just a trick
You know I know
That all those words
Weren't all just a front.
There's a grain of truth
In every lie
In the lies that I've told you
I say "I love you"
Tell myself it's just a lie
To get you on my side
And I'll make you cry,
Use you for my midnight deeds
And make you cry again
While deep inside
You know I know
That I just want your laugh.

Your tears are diamonds to me
Your laughter's just food and drink
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