My Sanctuary

I look up into the sunlight from the depths of the water below.

I can see everything around me clear as day.

I can see the world above, all of the tradgedy and greed.

Should I go back up to this world?

I let the worm water lap me as I decide.

I lay back and let the water take me to where I am supposed to be.

They take me deeeper into the water,

To see a world below untouched by pollution and greed.

I shall make this my sanctuary.

When I need to escape from the world above,

I will return to this secret place.

I remember how to get there,

Even now so many years later I do.

I go up to the surface,

For one last breath,

Before I go back down to my sanctuary.

But, before I get there,

The human population destroyed it.

Leaving nothing but my memories,

of my sanctuary.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this a year ago..
I see many themes running with this...
Me deciding whether or not to return to the real world
Humans turning the world to muck
Not letting others decide for you...

I don't know... I still love this poem