
Why do you always speak in riddles?

Why can't you just tell me what's on your mind?

I tell you what's on mine.

I trust you.

Don't you trust me?

I thought that we were friends.

I can talk to you for hours about nothing.

I call you when I need someone to talk to.

When I look into your eyes I feel safe and at home.

Why don't you do the same for me?


I ask myself every day.

Why didn't I tell him today?

Why didn't I let him kiss me?

Why don't you feel the same for me?

Maybe I'm just being paranoid but...

I just don't know anymore...

I want to tell you so much...

I'm just scared that you won't feel the same

And that I'll hurt again.

If I do tell you,

will you promise not to laugh,

and will you understand.

Because what I'm feeling now,

I can't help.

It may seem lame and stupid to you,

And everyone else,

But not to me.

So the only thing I have to ask you now is,

♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this a year ago.

This applies to another person now... some of it anyways...