
When I saw you
I knew you were special
When you asked me out
I knew you were special
When you told me you loved me
I knew you were the one
When you hugged me for the first time
I knew you were the one
When they separated us and you stayed
I knew you weren't going to leave
When you found out it was a year
I knew you weren't going to leave
When you broke my heart
I knew it wasn't because you didn't love me
When you broke it again
I knew it wasn't because you didn't love me
When you kissed me
I knew you loved me
When you told me you could live you whole life with me
I knew you loved me
William I love you
I've only been with you 7 months
But William I love you
I miss you
And until no one cares about our age
William I'll love you
Everytime I tell you I love you
I really do love you
I will never lie about that
William I love you
♠ ♠ ♠
Will if you read this all of this is true and to everyone else sorry for my suckish poem I probably wasted 3 minutes of your lives