Temporary Rush

I'll see your face light up when you see me.
I'll notice you look at me from time to time.
I'll pick up on subtle hints in a typical conversation.
I'll guess at these little things time after time.

The way your eyes see me is so pure.
You see innocence,
The real me.

I see you as near flawless.
The most beautiful person I know.
I can't help but long for you,
And I wonder if it shows.

I can't stop wondering if you could be the one.
The one I could grow old with.
The one who would listen to my cries.
The one who could stop the tears,
Wipe my eyes.

I've been told to lok for a godly man,
And I'm for certain that you are just that.
His Radiance shines through you,
It's baffling to witness.

How you can care so much about me,
Just a silly little girl,
How you can remember and congratulate me,
On overcoming the temptations of this world.

Oh, how you know me so well!
It is like I'm an open book,
Turn to page 5,200 and something,
Give it a look.

I want you to read how I see you,
See how I feel about you,
Feel how much you mean to me,
Read what I cannot say.

I know it's foolish,
Just a high school crush.
But I just can't believe that this is just some
Temporary Rush.
♠ ♠ ♠
If you have any advice, please feel free to comment it.