It's Too Late To Save The Dreamer

The sirens tear apart the night air
And darkness is lightened by flashing lights and beamers.
I know the truth.
It's too late to save the dreamer.

Should I mark this grain of time,
Face to face, we can't even stand.
We've destroyed all our memories
Crushed rosebuds into sand.

Can you hear me? I wonder sometimes.
What is this life? It's nothing of mine.
I can feel you, I can feel you.
What is the meaning of 'fine'?

Your hand reaches out,
But there's nothing left to touch.
You've stripped me bare, robbed me of my senses
It's too much.

The water is pulling me forward.
I can't resist it's call.
It's like you've already left me,
There's nowhere left to fall.

You've left me useless and broke,
Unable to think, words simply can't be spoke.
You've yet to even say anything,
But I've already started to choke.

Suddenly, somehow, the current's changing.
I've forgotten how to swim.
The air leaks slowly from my lungs.
Sweetheart, I think you win.

Too late, you care enough to save me,
But I already let myself drown.
Don't worry too much, I'll be fine.
You've always let me down.

Who I am to make you change?
I'm just a pawn in this game of fate.
Someday, honey, you'll realize,
But by then it will be too late.

Just like it's too late now,
You let me slip away.
I have to ask, will you still love yourself
When faced with the harsh light of day?

I'm not good enough, not pretty enough,
Not happy enough, not talented enough.

You've made my life so rough
With all these things that I'm not.
But sweetheart, you know what else I'm not?
I'm not yours,
and while I'm going to Heaven,
you, in Hell, will rot.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments? Haven't written in a while ... maybe I lost my touch?