Count it up!

1, 2, 3 and now back to 13…
The day I met! Oh the day I got my very first crush
And oh what a day that was…
I won’t forget! As long as I live my very first love
Count it up!
Make it worth something!
Leave your mark!
And keep your blood rushing
Because little baby! This life aint nothing…
When you compare it to the god above watching!
So count it up!
Roll the dice!
Pick the price and gamble baby by…
Because Time goes by in a blink of an eye

4, 5, 6 I just turned 26!
Oh mama I am doing just fine…
Just graduated and found me someone amazing!
He’s Irish!
He’s beautiful….
He’s mine…
Just got married yesterday, by the bay
Oh but mama don’t worry!
It was just me and him
Don’t disarray. Beside you always told me
To count it up!
Make it worth something!
Leave your mark!
And keep your blood rushing
Because little baby! This life aint nothing…
When you compare it to the god above watching!
So count it up!
Roll the dice!
Pick the price and gamble baby by…
Because Time goes by in a blink of an eye

7, 8, 9 oh by god I’m already 39!
Man how time just flies,
And my little girl is doing just fine.
Doing well in school...
I know she’s gonna make it through!
Like mama always said
“Count it all up!
Make it worth something!
Leave my mark!
And keep my blood rushing
Because little baby! This life aint nothing…
When you compare it to the god above watching!
So count it up!
Roll the dice!
Pick the price and gamble baby by…
Because Time goes by in a blink of an eye”

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7…
8, 9, 10….

Oh hallelujah, God’s gonna call me home soon…
Because I’m already 82…
God little grandbabies… going to school
I hope in pray they learn they aint gotta be cool
Help them count it up! Lord
To make it worth something!
Leave there mark!
And keep their blood rushing
Because little baby! This life aint nothing…
When you compare it to the god above watching!
So count it up!
Roll the dice!
Pick the price and gamble baby by…
Because Time goes by in a blink of an eye