Flag of her Freedom

Bare to the bone, my fingers are
from my soul clawing at these crimson stained walls
I beg you to leave me
Even though it will kill me

I am caged in like an untamed monster
created from hate and used for nothing
This is not who I am
Why can't you see it
Ignoring the signs like they will do you ill will
For me though, my dear, take a moment and pause

Think about it all
How much damage you cause
Who you destroyed
Who you created
The little girl I once was
So happy and free
Now is but a girl who is playing with fire
The flag she once flew that represented her freedom
You have ripped it to pieces and left it in front of her

Innocence is only but a dream
I have lost it all
Guilty I plead
Send me away please
I'll do anything to be
The little girl who once flew a flag of her freedom

I will sew the flag together again
Holding it in front of you to show you
No longer am I caged
No longer am I clawing to feel free again
You can see all the stitches
Let them remind you
Of everything you ever did to me